Alex Pirouz on Leadership
When it comes to achieving business success, most people think it is mostly because of the strategy that the business comes up with. Strategy is one part of a whole range of reasons but not the only reason for success. There are a lot of things that amount to the success of an organization, and leadership without a doubt is one of the main reasons for this success.
We’ve all had bosses who seem to style themselves on military leaders, however treating the workplace as a battle ground is something which few respond well to. Leaders need to take tough decisions and act quickly, but that shouldn’t instill a culture of fear amongst employees. Mistakes are part of an individual’s growth, as well as a company’s.
One person who has made his fair share of mistakes, while also knowing a thing or two about what it takes to be a real leader is Richard Branson. Walk through any of the Virgin offices around the world and you’ll really struggle to find somebody who has seen the company’s Founder raise his voice when the going gets tough. High pressured situations need to be handled, all whilst keeping your eye on the businesses real goal.
“What leadership boils down to is people. Whatever your style, whatever your method, you need to believe in yourself, your ideas and your staff. Nobody can be successful alone – and you cannot be a great leader without great people to lead. The trick is in striking the right balance between empowering your staff and being an example for them to follow,” Explains Branson
A good dynamic leader is compared to a dynamo generating energy that charges and activates the entire group in such a way that wonders can be achieved with. The success of an organization depends to a great extent upon good leadership. Dynamic leadership can improve the chances of success by stimulating the right behaviors and inspiring innovation in the face of hardship.
I recently had the privilege of Speaking to serial entrepreneur Con Georgiou to get his thoughts on the importance of leadership in business. Over the course of his business career Con has coached, mentored and led thousands of staff and customers from all walks of life and has spent time with some of the world’s best business minds.
Below he shares his thoughts on what he believes to be the top 5 most common traits in all-great leaders:
1) Best in class Leaders care for their people, I mean really care. Like caring enough to understand when staff need support if put into difficult situations where their skill may not match the challenge called upon them.
2) Surround themselves with people who have strengths that they lack. Valuing diversity is critical to this leadership trait. This may mean that its not all smooth sailing and consensus may take some effort but it does mean you have some rigor around your decision making and execution capacity.
3) Understand the true power of relationships and empower problem solvers. All effective organizations are built on great relationships that are based on trust, respect and honor to name a few. Without this you are operating on shaky ground and even the best strategies and technologies will not overcome these shortcomings.
4) Have the grit to defend the company’s values under hardship. Making the hard call to say no to bad business is tough but its what separates true leaders from fakers. Standing for your company’s values will win the hearts and minds of your team, which drives deep engagement.
5) Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. As businesses grow strategies may change, ensuring constant and clear communication is critical to maintaining pace and synchronicity. Too many companies are like caterpillars who lose the plot in every which way, this is taxing and demoralizing for all included.
First published at LinkedIn.